The wind and their influence in irrigation quality parameters

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Enrique Cisneros-Zayas
Yobal Venero-Delgado
Zenén Placeres-Miranda
Felicita González-Robaina


The goal of the present work was to define the quality parameters and exploitation in low intensity irrigation system under production conditions in "La Rebeca" farm, contributing in a better management of water for agrarian use. For the field evaluations the methodologies use was UNE 68-072-86 in 1986 and ISO 15886-3 in 2004, were also determined the Uniformity Distribution according to Merriam and Keller in 1978; Uniformity Coefficient of Christiansen of 1942; Discharge efficiency like Tarjuelo in 2005 indicates, the percent of irrigation areas were also calculated. The obtained results show that the wind in the farm has great incidence in the deterioration of the irrigation quality parameters, reducing the effective radio reach of the sprinkler in 0,90 m with respect to the project. In the triangular covering mark the best results in Uniformity Coefficient of Christiansen are obtained with 90,46%; Uniformity Distribution of 84,20% and the best irrigation percent area with 61,22%, confirming the effective of this setting mark for the study area and others with similar characteristic of high wind speeds.

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How to Cite
Cisneros-Zayas, E., Venero-Delgado, Y., Placeres-Miranda, Z., & González-Robaina, F. (2019). The wind and their influence in irrigation quality parameters. Ingeniería Agrícola, 9(4). Retrieved from
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