Sugarcane response to the application of mineral fertilizers in Ciego de Avila

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Jesús González-Domínguez
Mario E. de León-Ortiz
Isaías Machado-Contreras
Emma Bárbara Pineda-Ruiz
Yudith Viñas-Quintero


The work was carried out to know the yield response of sugarcane depending on the stock and nutrition in three long term experiments conducted from 1978 to 2007 in a typical red Ferralitic soil, for the study of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) doses, in the province of Ciego de Ávila, Cuba. Each of the experiments had 23 harvests. In the three experiments, the plant cane stock did not increase the yield with N and K applications and there was only a positive effect of phosphoric fertilization in 40 % of them. Also, the set consisting of plant cane, first and second sprouts responded to N and K in 15 and 23 %, respectively, reaching 54 % in the case of the study of P. On the contrary, from the third sprout and up the sixth, responses were found in 100 %, 90 % and 80 % of the harvests made in the experiments of N, P and K, respectively, associated with the worsening of soil conditions, stock aging and difficulty of root system to reach nutrients.

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How to Cite
González-Domínguez, J., de León-Ortiz, M. E., Machado-Contreras, I., Pineda-Ruiz, E. B., & Viñas-Quintero, Y. (2019). Sugarcane response to the application of mineral fertilizers in Ciego de Avila. Ingeniería Agrícola, 9(3). Retrieved from
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