Analysis of the water requirement in an irrigation district of Tamaulipas, Mexico

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Edgar Omar Ruíz-del Ángel
Rocío del Carmen Vargas-Castilleja
Julio César Rolón-Aguilar
Carlos Alberto Chávez-García
Roberto Pichardo-Ramírez


Technification and agricultural technological development have an impact on the food security of the population. The development of models that consider the use of water in crops, considering the availability of adequate water to the variation of climate and soil in the irrigation areas, are the key to mitigate the effects of a changing climate and bad practices. In the Mexican Republic, the irrigable area is divided into 86 Irrigation Districts (DR) and 40,000 Irrigation Units. The objective was to model the water requirements of DR 002 Mante in Tamaulipas, Mexico for the 2007 to 2014 agricultural cycles by constructing a model in Cropwat. The analyzed crop was sugar cane for an estimated 15,250 ha. of irrigable area. It is highlighted that for the 2009-2010 cycle the volume performed is 51.78% less than the volume of requirement obtained in the model. The analysis contributes to the increase in the efficiency of water use at the parcel level, to the yield of the plant and to the integral management of the resource, an issue of national security in Mexico in a context of changing climate conditions.

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How to Cite
Ruíz-del Ángel, E. O., Vargas-Castilleja, R. del C., Rolón-Aguilar, J. C., Chávez-García, C. A., & Pichardo-Ramírez, R. (2019). Analysis of the water requirement in an irrigation district of Tamaulipas, Mexico. Ingeniería Agrícola, 9(2). Retrieved from
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