Classification and marking of metal bars for mechanical processing in a machining workshop

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Fabienne Torres-Menéndez
Yosbel Jiménez-Armelo
Roberto Santos-Gil


The present research was carried out in the workshop of experimental productions of the Center of Agricultural Mechanization (CEMA) belonging to the Faculty of Technical Sciences of the Agrarian University of Havana and in the Laboratories of the Repairing Company of Power Plants (EMCE). The objective was to establish the methods of determination of the chemical composition, metallographic analysis and hardness test to classify the bars of laminates of round cross section of different diameters supplied by the workshop of experimental productions of the CEMA, in the processes of mechanical elaboration of pieces with a high degree of complexity, used both in the construction of prototypes, and in the repair of machines in that entity. To do this, chemical analyzes were carried out through the methods of atomic absorption spectrometry, metallographic analysis and mechanical tests of traction and hardness by the method of mechanical destruction. Its materialization made possible to classify the samples of the studied materials and identify their possible uses in the manufacture of the different accessory parts and manufactured parts. It was possible to declare the uses for each one of the samples of researched steels, as well as the recommendation of the realization of thermal treatment of structural regeneration, by applying annealing or normalizing in each of them.

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How to Cite
Torres-Menéndez, F., Jiménez-Armelo, Y., & Santos-Gil, R. (2019). Classification and marking of metal bars for mechanical processing in a machining workshop. Ingeniería Agrícola, 9(1). Retrieved from
Nota Técnica


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