Water resource in the face of climate change in the irrigation district of the Soto La Marina River

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Rocío del Carmen Vargas-Castilleja
Julio Cesar Rolón-Aguilar
Ricardo Tobías-Jaramillo
Gerardo Sánchez-Torres Esqueda


Water management in the arable irrigated areas represents the base of the good practices in the employment of water resources. One of the problems in the irrigation districts is the low productivity of the water, which is in function of the meteorological conditions, of the phenology of the crops, but also of the bad practices in the efficiency of the water conduction. It is imperative to consider future scenarios of monthly precipitation if the water offer diminished and the requirements for the districts increased. The objective of the research was to analyze the situation in the conduction and policies in water handling of the Irrigation District 086 Río Soto La Marina, considering the scenarios of climatic change for the rainfalls if the global temperature increased 1.5 ºC and 2 ºC for the Model GFDL-CM3, for the scenarios RCP 4.5 and 8.5 W/m2. Additionally the Method of the SCS was applied to estimate the conversion of the rain in run-off with and without climatic change. The irrigable surface of the Irrigation District is of 35,925 ha with a licensed volume of 235.6 Mm3, a mean sheet of rain of 65 cm and 3 165 users. It is important to point out that in January the climate base on the series 1950-2000 of the WorldClim is 35.56 mm and the scenario of change to 1.5 ºC registers an impact of -96.45 % rainfalls for the RCP 4.5 W/m2. It is emphasized that the precipitations yearly accumulated will have a decrement of 14 % for the study area. The above-mentioned indicates the relevancy of restating the irrigation plans, the techniques and the water licenses to mitigate the effects of the climatic change.

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How to Cite
Vargas-Castilleja, R. del C., Rolón-Aguilar, J. C., Tobías-Jaramillo, R., & Sánchez-Torres Esqueda, G. (2019). Water resource in the face of climate change in the irrigation district of the Soto La Marina River. Ingeniería Agrícola, 9(1). Retrieved from https://revistas.unah.edu.cu/index.php/IAgric/article/view/1041
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