Mathematical-Statistical Modeling in Response Surface Methodology. Agricultural Applications

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Caridad Walkiria Guerra-Bustillo
Alejandro Ruiz-González
Magaly Herrera-Villafranca
Lucía Fernández-Chuairey


Theoretical-practical and analytical aspects of the Mathematical-Statistical Modeling related to the Response Surface Methodology (MSR) are outlined. The themes of these contributions are on the Mathematical-Statistical Modeling, the Experimental Design and the applications in the agrarian field of Cuba and other countries, as well as the software used for this analysis. In the scientific and teaching literature of Cuba and other countries, in general there are not many studies and researches that support applications of the MSR and the possibilities that this tool offers in determining the optimal conditions of the levels of the factors that affect in the response of certain processes under investigation, including a smaller number of treatments. Therefore it is a powerful tool of Mathematics and Statistics in the scientific-research development of different processes of agricultural sciences and other branches. To contribute to the achievement of greater dissemination and application of this type of modeling, the objective of this review is to disseminate theoretical and practical aspects related to MSR and its applications in agricultural sciences and other related fields.


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How to Cite
Guerra-Bustillo, C. W., Ruiz-González, A., Herrera-Villafranca, M., & Fernández-Chuairey, L. (2018). Mathematical-Statistical Modeling in Response Surface Methodology. Agricultural Applications. Ingeniería Agrícola, 8(4), 67. Retrieved from
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