The Water Productivity Indicator for Monitoring and Evaluation of the Sustainable Land Management

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Marta Paula Ricardo-Calzadilla
Teuddys Limers-Jiménez
Alcides Lorié-Fong
Reinaldo Cún-González
Yulaidis Aguilar-Pantoja


The study carried out in areas of the South Guantanamo plain in a CCS Enrique Campos, with the objective of evaluating and monitoring the effectiveness of the implementation of Sustainable Land Management (MST), through the indicator agronomic water productivity. Bearing in mind that the increase in the agronomic productivity of water requires modifying natural’s resources management; water; soil; plants, from which technical, social as environmental positive impacts are derived. The strategy designed in the agro ecosystem studied, was implemented through a Sustainable Land Management (SLM) practices; soil improvement and conservation measures; change of irrigation method to a more efficient one, maintenance of 10 km of drainage channels. This generated an abatement of saline water table from 0.7 m to 1.5 m, with reduction of salinity´s hazards. In addition, with increasing in yields of black bean and corn and a reduction in water use by white onion and corn crops in 43% and 16% respectively. However, the analysis of the agronomic water productivity indicator showed that in the area there are still problems in the irrigation´s management; where the crops do not receive the recommended norm by resolution, situation that can be produced a reduction of the white onion yields, for water deficit.


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How to Cite
Ricardo-Calzadilla, M. P., Limers-Jiménez, T., Lorié-Fong, A., Cún-González, R., & Aguilar-Pantoja, Y. (2018). The Water Productivity Indicator for Monitoring and Evaluation of the Sustainable Land Management. Ingeniería Agrícola, 8(4), 60. Retrieved from
Nota Técnica


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