Use of SMS Software for the Management of Sugarcane Combine CASE IH A8000

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Carlos A. Perez-Garcia
Robby Gustabello-Cogle
Luis Hernández-Santana


Increasing the efficiency of agricultural operations is a necessity in the current environmental context. Because of this, the Azcuba Business Group has undertaken the task of introducing high technology machinery such as the Case IH A8000 sugarcane harvesters into its Sugar Companies. These are among the leading machineries of their type, providing high efficiency and availability for the application of Advanced Farming Systems. All of this is supported by a novel technological package, which has not been used in its entirety by the Cuban Sugar Company to date. The present work shows the potential of the software for the management of these machines Spatial Management System, from the generation of reports and yields maps. The generation of the maps is based on the information recorded by three Case IH A8000 sugarcane harvesters in a case study at the Villa Clara’s Sugarcane Factory Hector Rodriguez.

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How to Cite
Perez-Garcia, C. A., Gustabello-Cogle, R., & Hernández-Santana, L. (2018). Use of SMS Software for the Management of Sugarcane Combine CASE IH A8000. Ingeniería Agrícola, 8(4), 37. Retrieved from
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