Properties of Sandy Soils in the Mesa of Guanipaunder Conventional Management
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Soils for their sustainable use, management and conservation require an understanding of the processes and properties that govern their functionality and the impact of disturbances due to natural and anthropogenic causes. Using a randomized systematic design, 25 updated and georeferenced values of the particle size distribution, apparent density (Da), organic matter (OM) content, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, pH and penetration resistance are determined (RP) of sandy soils of the Mesa de Guanipa in southern Anzoátegui state. At 20 cm of depth there are high values of the soil Da, most of them higher than 1.6 g(cm-3 and a vertiginous growth in the values of the RP from 15 cm, there being a significant correlation between these both variables (0.57) and with the low contents of measured MO, -0.384 and 0.320, respectively. The physical properties show spatial dependence, with Gaussian adjustments and ranges that vary between 10 and 20 m. The sandy character combined with the prevailing climatic conditions of the region and the management practices, among them the continuous tillage with the use of disc harrow in conditions not optimal for tillage, have made these soils of the Mesa de Guanipa more susceptible to degradation and consequence of the its low soil physical quality.
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