Influence of flood time on sunflower for the projection of drainage systems

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Reinaldo Cun González
Julián Herrera-Puebla
Carmen Duarte Díaz
Orlando Sarmiento García
Denis González Echevarría
Dariel González Morales


With the objective of study, the waterlogging effect on sunflower crop, variety Caburé 15, was carry out a research trial at the Agricultural Engineering Research Institute’s Experimental Station (UCTB ¨Pulido¨), located in the municipality of Alquízar, province of Artemisa; the sunflower was planted in container filled with Ferralitic Red soil, distributed in a randomized block design. The treatments consist in flooding the container when the sunflower arrive at bloom stage during 0, 12, 24, 48 and 72 hours. There was a negative linear reduction in yield with the increase in flooding time; and a reduction of 0.5% yield was obtained for every hour of inundation; a 50% yield reduction was obtained with 36 hours of waterlogging. Flood treatments did not affect in a significant way the number of leaves for plant neither it caused differences in the diameter of the stem. The plants presented losses in the weight of the flowers, weight of the grains, diameter of the flowers when they were subjected to the flood of 72 hours.

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How to Cite
Cun González, R., Herrera-Puebla, J., Duarte Díaz, C., Sarmiento García, O., González Echevarría, D., & González Morales, D. (2018). Influence of flood time on sunflower for the projection of drainage systems. Ingeniería Agrícola, 8(4), 21. Retrieved from
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