Evaluation of Drip Irrigation in Production Conditions of South of Güira de Melena

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Enrique Cisneros-Zayas
Alianni Espinosa-Valdera
Teresa López-Seijas
Jorge Yumar


The main objective of this work was to define the irrigation quality and exploitation parameters for adequate introduction of a drip irrigation system in production conditions of Güira de Melena municipality in Artemisa province. The work was done in “Santa Ana” farm, of Cooperative “Frank País”, in the South of this municipality. The soil is Ferralitic Red compacted where water subterranean source presents restrictions for irrigation use. The irrigation system area is about 1.16 ha, planted with grape, variety Aramond, with integrated drippers type STARCOMP 16/50; with caudal 4 L·h-1, spaced to 0.50 m. For the study were selected the irrigation subunit with mean conditions and NC EN 15097:2007 was applied. For the wet bulb study were take measurements with an electromagnetic probe TDR 300 in two directions, at depth of 0,10 m and 0,30 m, that were converted to volumetric water content and available water in the soil. The results may define that general hydraulic behavior of the drip irrigation system is classified as Acceptable, with a uniformity coefficient value of 78.59%, with a wet area percentage about 30% of plantation area. The defined considerations allow the adoption of this type of irrigation system in similar conditions.

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How to Cite
Cisneros-Zayas, E., Espinosa-Valdera, A., López-Seijas, T., & Yumar, J. (2018). Evaluation of Drip Irrigation in Production Conditions of South of Güira de Melena. Ingeniería Agrícola, 8(4), 3–11. Retrieved from https://revistas.unah.edu.cu/index.php/IAgric/article/view/1024
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