Determination of Appropriate Anaerobia the Technology of Biodigestion for a System of Poultry Production

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Yanoy Morejón-Mesa
Geisy Hernández-Cuello
Darielis Vizcay-Villafranca
Yordan Oscar Amoros-Capdesuñer


This research is aimed to determine the anaerobic bio-digestion technology suitable for a poultry production system, established at the “El Guayabal” University Farm, belonging to the Agrarian University of Havana considering economic, environmental and energy feasibility. To do this, the animal species existing (Leghorn chickens, white-breasted turkeys and free-range chickens) in the scenario are determined, given that these species will contribute sizing the organic waste to the biodigester, the number of animals is also determined, considering the herd movement, which would make it possible to determine the biomass generated daily for the purpose of establish the of the appropriate biodigester technology and know the behavior of the economic and energy parameters. Among the main results obtained, it was evident that the installation of a tubular polyethylene biodigester is more feasible than the installation of a fixed dome biodigester, meaning an economic saving of 21 418.1 peso due to technology selection; the necessary volume of this technology must be 22 m3, making it possible to produce 11.6 kg/day of biofertilizers, which represents a daily economic contribution of 145 peso/day (5.8 USD/day), constituting an added value, in addition to the energy and economic benefits to be obtained. Furthermore, with the introduction of the selected anaerobic bio-digestion technology it is possible to generate electrical energy for lighting, heating and the extraction of humid air, which requires the acquisition of a 2 kW biogas generator.

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Como Citar
Morejón-Mesa, Y., Hernández-Cuello, G., Vizcay-Villafranca , D., & Amoros-Capdesuñer , Y. O. (2024). Determination of Appropriate Anaerobia the Technology of Biodigestion for a System of Poultry Production. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 33(4), Obtido de
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