Irrigation Management with Medium Salinity Water in the Cabacú Protected Crops House

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Pável Vargas-Rodríguez
Alberto Méndez-Jocik
Fernando Pérez-Quintero
Rafael Pacheco-Moya
Osvaldo André Paulo Ferreira-da Silva


The movement of the tides on the north coast of the Baracoa city affects the water quality in the supply source for the irrigation of Cabacú Protected Crops. This situation reduces the agro productivity of the soil, the quality and yield of the crops and leads to the establishment of a procedure for the management of irrigation, taking into account the movement of the tides. In this sense, the agronomic parameters of the drip irrigation system were determined, as well as the necessary leaching dose to maintain appropriate salinity levels for the crops. As a result, a procedure was established for the management of the irrigation system with saline water that contributes to increase the quality and crop yields highly valued by the inhabitants of the Cabacú Popular Council.

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Vargas-Rodríguez, P., Méndez-Jocik, A., Pérez-Quintero, F., Pacheco-Moya, R., & Ferreira-da Silva, O. A. P. (2023). Irrigation Management with Medium Salinity Water in the Cabacú Protected Crops House . Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 32(1). Obtido de
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