Maintenance Based on World Class Indicators in Bayamo Dairy Factory

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Julio César Casaña-Medel
Alain Ariel de la Rosa-Andino
Idalberto Macías-Socarrás
Yoandrys Morales-Tamayo
Yusimit Karina Zamora-Hernandez
Yordanka Aguilera-Corrales


Researchers in the discipline of maintenance refer more than 110 indicators or variables to assess the management of this activity, which are classified mainly into three groups: absolute indicators, efficiency indicators and effectiveness indicators. In the particular case of Cuba, maintenance management is performed on a single indicator basis: the technical availability coefficient, which does not allow knowing the true behavior of the machines. Due to this, the present investigation is carried out with the objective of evaluating the quality of the technical maintenance applied to the equipment of the entity through the application of the world class indexes. For this study the calculation methodology of the maintenance indicators will be applied, which presents the corresponding formulas that allow revealing the quality of the technical services performed, and based on that information, to emit evaluative criteria about the management of the function maintenance in the mentioned entity. Among the main results stand out the Availability by equipment and the Cost of Maintenance by Invoicing, observing that, for the analyzed compressors, averages of 85,14% and 47,35%, were obtained respectively. Finally, the quality of the technical maintenance in Bayamo Dairy Factory during the observed period was evaluated as acceptable.

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Como Citar
Casaña-Medel, J. C., de la Rosa-Andino, A. A., Macías-Socarrás, I., Morales-Tamayo, Y., Zamora-Hernandez, Y. K., & Aguilera-Corrales, Y. (2021). Maintenance Based on World Class Indicators in Bayamo Dairy Factory. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 30(3). Obtido de
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