Propuesta de rediseño de un malacate para la tracción de cargas

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Alain Ariel de la Rosa-Andino
Idalberto Macías-Socarrás
Yoandrys Morales-Tamayo
Danelys Pérez-Sutil
Ismael Rodríguez-Beltrán
Jonathan Alexis Montaguano-Toaquiza


Winches are machines that are widely used in a wide variety of industrial and agricultural tasks, such as cement, metallurgical and mineral works, as well as in vehicles and tractors, specifically those with high capacity of passing or of traffic. Within their structure there are elements of force transmission and power (axles and sprocket wheels) that could fail due to superficial fatigue and pitting caused by the work. For these reasons, the objective of the present work was to determine the parameters to redesign the structural elements of a winch for load traction, since the chain transmission was affected by the wear phenomenon in the sprocket, keyway and setscrew. That caused strong vibrations that affected the fixings of the reducer in its chassis, as well as in the bearings. The replacement of the chain transmission by a speed reducer directly coupled to the motor is proposed, in addition to increasing the diameter of the drums that tighten the cable. For this, calculations were made for the new gear ratio. Among the results, the transmission ratio to the exit of the reducer stands out, as well as its efficiency 0.87.

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Cómo citar
de la Rosa-Andino, A. A., Macías-Socarrás, I., Morales-Tamayo, Y., Pérez-Sutil, D., Rodríguez-Beltrán, I., & Montaguano-Toaquiza, J. A. (2020). Propuesta de rediseño de un malacate para la tracción de cargas. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 29(3). Recuperado a partir de
Notas Técnicas


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