Remote Sensing of Salinity in Agroecosystem of Mayarí, at Holguín Province, Cuba

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Roberto Alejandro García-Reyes
Mario Damián González Posada-Dacosta
Kenier Torres-Calzado
Juan Alejandro Villazón-Gómez
Miguel Ignacio Abellón-MolinaI
Elianne Caridad Velázquez-Sánchez


The research presented was aimed at determining spectral indices related to soil salinity by remote sensing in two seasons of the year contrasting by their rainfall regimes, in Mayarí Agroecosystem, at Holguin Province, Cuba. The images used were of May 2016 and December 2018, obtained from the USGS by the Landsat 8 OLI / TIRS satellite in the 011/046 grid. The QGis 3.10 software was used to determine the spectral indices, as well as the radiometric correction, statistical report of the digital values of the images and the preparation of thematic maps. The results obtained show the variation of digital values of the spectral indices in both seasons of the year studied, where the IS presented higher content of salts and less areas with vegetation in May 2016, which could be given by the end of the drought season and the beginning of the rainy season. The same behavior was illustrated by the ENDWI, NDDI and VSSI indices, which influenced the behavior of the IS and NDVI.

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Como Citar
García-Reyes, R. A., González Posada-Dacosta, M. D., Torres-Calzado, K., Villazón-Gómez, J. A., Abellón-MolinaI, M. I., & Velázquez-Sánchez, E. C. (2021). Remote Sensing of Salinity in Agroecosystem of Mayarí, at Holguín Province, Cuba. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 30(1). Obtido de
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