Tool to Optimize the Production Process of the Pre-Cooked Whole Lobster

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Yaimi Barcenas Mompeller
Adanay Núñez González
Alexander Sánchez Díaz
Yusney Marrero García


Today, in the competitive business world, organizations and companies need to manipulate their business processes. The real key to success in these organizations lies in the design, the proper management of the business processes and the alignment of IT (Information Technology) with the objectives of the organization. The research carried out has the objective of developing a computer tool that allows optimizing the process of the production of the pre-cooked whole lobster belonging to Batabanó Company in the province of Mayabeque. To achieve this objective, the NSGAII and SPEA2 multiobjective optimization algorithms are used with the JMetal framework. For modeling of the process in the BPMN Notation, the Bonita Studio and Yasper tools are used to convert the process into a Petri network, exporting it in a PNML file, which is used by the tool to carry out its optimization. As a result, a computing application is obtained that allows business analysts of the company to obtain possible process improvements in terms of cost and completeness criteria, thus facilitating its better performance in the company.

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Barcenas Mompeller, Y., Núñez González, A., Sánchez Díaz, A., & Marrero García, Y. (2020). Tool to Optimize the Production Process of the Pre-Cooked Whole Lobster. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 29(4). Obtido de
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