Influence of Temperature in Sandwich Pipes Subjected to High Pressures

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Dayvis Fernández Valdés
Alberto Omar Vázquez Hernández
José Angel Ortega-Herrera
Minelkis Machado Molina
Arturo Ocampo Ramirez


Nowadays, there is a great global development of infrastructure for the extraction, exploitation and transport of hydrocarbons in deep-waters, due to the decrease of existing resources in shallow waters. The objective of this research is to propose a sandwich pipe with thermal insulation, capable to operate in deep water under the effect of the thermal gradient that occurs at these depths and flow assurance guaranteeing. This is also of great importance in agriculture for irrigation with groundwater, where it is necessary to guarantee the structural integrity of the pipelines that transport the fluid through land where high pressures and high temperatures may exist. Therefore, 4 sandwich pipes were analyzed in finite elements, considering high fluid temperatures and low seawater temperatures, as well as variations in the annular material (cement and polypropylene) and the thicknesses. It was obtained that the greater the thickness the lower the stiffness of the system. However, the thermal effect does not significantly influence the resistance of the pipes with greater core thickness, due to the thermal insulation offered by the annular material. The sandwich pipe with cement annular material offers greater potential to be implemented as it presented greater collapse pressure than the pipe with polypropylene.

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Fernández Valdés, D., Vázquez Hernández, A. O., Ortega-Herrera, J. A., Machado Molina, M., & Ocampo Ramirez, A. (2020). Influence of Temperature in Sandwich Pipes Subjected to High Pressures. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 29(1). Obtido de
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