Published: 2024-05-20

Edaphic factors that involved in the availability of microelements in Vertisols planted with sugarcane

Yakelin Cobo Vidal, Elio Angarica Baró, George Martín Gutiérrez, Adrián Serrano Gutiérrez, Juan Alejandro Villazón Gómez, Alegna Rodríguez Fajard

Estimation of the dynamic variables of irrigation scheduling in common bean crop (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)

Yarisbel Gómez-Masjuan, Norge Tornés-Olivera, Oscar Brown-Manrique, Arnaldo Manuel Guerrero-Alega

Response of Bean Crops to Controlled Deficit Irrigation Applied at Different Stages of their Biological Cycle

Donaldo Medardo Morales-Guevara, José Miguel Dell’Amico-Rodríguez, Lilisbet Guerrero-Domínguez, Arasay Santa Cruz-Suárez

Estimation of Infection Severity in Sugarcane Using Satellite Images

Rubén Orozco-Morales, Osmany de la C. Aday-Díaz, Luís Hernández-Santana, Luís E. Hernández-Morales, Iliá Lugo Ruíz

Machinery labor fronts. A contribution to management of mechanization in sugarcane production bases

Julio Andrés García-Pérez, Pablo Manuel Hernández-Alonso, Ernesto Luis Velarde-Sosa, Evelio Pausa Bello, Dámaso Socarrás-Laza

Anaerobic digestion of cow manure in a plug-flow digester: A sustainable approach

Carlos Antonio Méndez-Saavedra, Ania Cabrera-Díaz, Deny Oliva-Merencio, Ileana Pereda-Reyes

Effect of a Pectic Oligosaccharide on the Root Development of Maize

Ana Elida Sáez-Cigarruista, Donaldo Morales-Guevara, Román Gordón-Mendoza, Jorge Enrique Jaén-Villarreal, Francisco Pablo Ramos-ManzanéI, Jorge Franco-Barrera

Evaluation of the Application of Biocarbon in the Cultivation of Bananas

Iván Castro-Lizazo, Andy Ruiz-Mayorquín, Airán Gómez-Canales, Daine Hernández-Ochandía, Dilnory Lorente Pico, Mayra G. Rodríguez-Hernández