Published: 2020-06-15

Effect of the Geometry and Operational Conditions in the Draft Forces of the Arm of a Vibratory Scarifier

Luis Orlando Marín-Cabrera, Armando Eloy García de la Figal-Costales, Arturo Martínez-Rodríguez

Energetic and Environmental Integration in Factories of Sugar Cane Byproducts

Dania Alonso-Estrada, Manuel Díaz-de los Ríos, Dongrui Zhan, Jinghai Jian, Qi Zhang, Saihua Wang

Plasma Membrane Alterations in Phaseolus vulgaris L. Variety CC-25-9-N Induced by Metals

Liane Portuondo Farías, Dariellys Martínez Balmori, Fernando Guridi Izquierdo, Alejandro Falcón Rodríguez, Andrés Calderín García, João Paulo Machado Torres

Comparison of the Physicochemical Properties of Two Phenotypes of Nanche (Byrsonima crassifolia L.)

Ernesto Ramos Carbajal, Julio Cesar Pérez Vázquez, Javier Vázquez Núñez, Geisy Hernández Cuello, Omar González Mejía