38 ORIGINAL ARTICLE | ARTÍCULO ORIGINAL Compaction Evaluation of Vertisol Dedicated to Cultivation of Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum Mill)

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Idalberto Macías-Socarrás


Different traffic intensities of the tractor John Deere 4630 were evaluated in a Vertisol soil, subjected to a primary preparation> with a Big Rome. The results indicated that in dry season, the soil was compacted to a depth of 0-15 cm, however, the air incomplete variant> without counterweight (AIS) showed the highest penetration resistance with a value of 433 kPa, influencing, in this case, a smaller amount in> percent (%) of organic matter in the soil (2,68%), the value of the bulk density (BD) was 1,17 g cm-3, which shows that the soil had a fairly appreciable> effect. Analyzing the comparison of means for different traffic intensities of the running system, it showed that with greater number> of passes of the equipment, penetration resistance increased and it was only attenuated by the high presence of gravimetric moisture (Ho) and> organic matter (OM). In the correlation analysis, correlating Rp (30cm) with Rp (45cm), it had a value of 0,48 and significant at 5% of Tukey> test, so in this level Rp (30cm) with Ho (30cm), had a value of -0,62 and highly significant at 1%.

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How to Cite
Macías-Socarrás, I. (2017). 38 ORIGINAL ARTICLE | ARTÍCULO ORIGINAL Compaction Evaluation of Vertisol Dedicated to Cultivation of Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum Mill). Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 26(2), 38–47. Retrieved from https://revistas.unah.edu.cu/index.php/rcta/article/view/489
Original Articles
Author Biography

Idalberto Macías-Socarrás, Universidad Estatal de la Península de Santa Elena (UPSE)

Dr.C., Profesor, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Santa Elena Ecuador


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