Validation with Delphi method of a system of indicators to prevision, design and measure the impact on local development of research projects on farming sector

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Astrid Fernández de Castro Fabre


The aim of this study is to validate a system of indicators for forecasting, design and measuring impact on local development of research projects using the Delphi method of consulting experts, considered one of the subjective methods of forecasting more reliable, the criteria analysis combining subjective basis with mathematical-statistical analysis of the results.  T h is system of indicators, based on an investigation to find out how the forecast was made, the design and measurement of project impact on local development. This analysis allowed us to place the main deficiencies in this process and establish a system of indicators to standardize the process and help to remedy their deficiencies. To validate the proposed system of indicators analyzed the four dimensions used to measure the impact, the scientific, economic, social and environmental. The indicator system validated by the experts can have a tool for teachers and researchers when designing a project, provide that certain aspects taken into account from the start of the project, once completed will help it to measure the impact the results obtained.

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How to Cite
Fernández de Castro Fabre, A. (2013). Validation with Delphi method of a system of indicators to prevision, design and measure the impact on local development of research projects on farming sector. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 22(3), 54–60. Retrieved from
Original Articles
Author Biography

Astrid Fernández de Castro Fabre, M.Sc. ,Investigadora Auxiliar, Sub Directora del Centro de Mecanización Agropecuaria (CEMA)

Universidad Agraria de La Habana (UNAH), San José de las Lajas, Mayabeque


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