Influence of the Effective Wet Bulb on the Design of Drip Irrigation Systems

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Ernesto Javier Ortíz-Samprón
Dayana Castañeda-Velázquez
Pável Vargas-Rodríguez
Alberto Méndez-Jocik
Abel Dorta-Armaignac
Elio Quiala-Ortíz


In drip irrigation, the volume of wetted soil represents the amount of water stored and its shape and dimensions should correspond to the plant root system and the spacing between emitters, however in design practice, the effective wetting radius reached by these devices is not considered. The results of the agronomic design obtained with different design procedures are compared and their effects on operating parameters are identified. The analysis and synthesis method was used, based on the comparison of three design procedures, one using the criteria set out by Arapa /2002, the second, taking into account the criteria set out by Cruz-Batista et al. /2015 and the third using the alternative procedure applied in the UEB Consultancy and Design of the ENPA. The results showed the feasibility of using experimental models for the design of drip irrigation systems, given the impossibility of carrying out field tests; these tools make it possible to predict the lateral and vertical advance of water under the emitters. It was found that moisture transfer under the emitters is a function of the volume of water applied, the flow rate of the emitter, the saturated hydraulic conductivity, the initial and residual moisture content and the silt content of the soil. The comparison allowed affirming the validity of using simulation models to estimate the emitter spacing necessary to wet the required soil volume.

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Ortíz-Samprón, E. J., Castañeda-Velázquez, D., Vargas-Rodríguez, P., Méndez-Jocik, A., Dorta-Armaignac, A., & Quiala-Ortíz, E. (2024). Influence of the Effective Wet Bulb on the Design of Drip Irrigation Systems. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 33(3), Retrieved from
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