Analysis of an agricultural soil contaminated by cobalt, lead and zinc

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Ambar Rosa Guzmán-Morales
Deborah González-Viera
Orestes Cruz-La Paz
Ramiro Valdés-Carmenate
Pedro Antonio Valdés-Hernández
Saturnina Mesa-Rebato
Mayra Arteaga-Barrueta


In current agriculture it is necessary to control the safety of the food that is produced, for this it is vital to take into account the levels of contamination caused by heavy metals. One aspect to consider is the study of soil quality to preserve or improve its productivity, in order to guarantee environmental protection, human health and food safety. Trace elements in high concentrations in soils are food toxins with negative effects on health that manifest themselves in the long term as a result of the consumption of contaminated food and water. The objective of this work is: to study mathematical models to predict the behavior of cobalt, lead and zinc concentrations in agricultural soil, adjacent to the dumping of industrial waste in the San José de las Lajas municipality. For this, the concentration data of heavy metals cobalt (Co), lead (Pb) and zinc (Zn) were taken from the year 2005 to the year 2018 to predict their behavior from the use of statistical-mathematical tools until the year 2034. It was obtained that, according to the mathematical models obtained, these soils should not be used to grow vegetables for consumption, at least until 10 years after this investigation.

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Guzmán-Morales, A. R., González-Viera, D., Cruz-La Paz, O., Valdés-Carmenate, R., Valdés-Hernández, P. A., Mesa-Rebato, S., & Arteaga-Barrueta, M. (2024). Analysis of an agricultural soil contaminated by cobalt, lead and zinc. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 33(1), Retrieved from
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