Considerations on the Use of Simplifications in the Agronomic Design of Localised Irrigation Systems

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Pável Vargas-Rodríguez
Kaddiel Fernández-Hung
Abel Dorta-Armaignac


During the agronomic design of micro-sprinkling systems, it is difficult to guarantee the wetting of a volume of roots that allows the appropriate extraction of water and nutrients, as well as adequate anchorage. This leads to extreme precision at this stage, essentially in the estimation of crop coefficients KC, irrigation location coefficient KL and climatic variability coefficient KVC, as well as leaching requirements LR. When these are not estimated in a rigorous manner, the results can affect irrigation efficiency and the profitability of the installation. Identifying the effects of simplifications made during agronomic design on the accuracy of the capability's operating parameters is one of the ways to contribute to agricultural food production, considering the rational and efficient use of water. The research used the design procedure proposed by Keller and Rodrigo/1979, and the hypothetical-deductive method was also used to evaluate the effects of simplifications in the operating parameters of the installation. As a result, arguments were obtained that allow establishing the effects of simplifications in the rigor of the results of the agronomic design of localized irrigation systems, which allow us to conclude that the rigorous agronomic design of localized irrigation systems with micro-sprinkling leads to establishing effective installations.

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How to Cite
Vargas-Rodríguez, P., Fernández-Hung, K., & Dorta-Armaignac, A. (2024). Considerations on the Use of Simplifications in the Agronomic Design of Localised Irrigation Systems. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 33(1), Retrieved from
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