Numerical Analysis and Experimental Validation of Pouring Casting Metal in Sand Mold

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Santiago Amaury Santana-Reyes
Inahudis Calzada-Pompa
Yoandrys Morales-Tamayo
Yusimit Karina Zamora-Hernández
Elisney Matos García


Metal foundry represents an important sector within the mechanical industry. The method of casting metal into sand molds has been used for millennia because the freedom it allows the designer in terms of size and shape. The objective of this research is to establish a numerical simulation model, experimentally validated, of molten metal pouring in a sand mold, taking as analysis criteria the internal defects in the body of the bearing support of the 4 500 lb. harrow. In this research, an analysis was carried out, from the Finite Element Method (FEM), of casting process taking into account the molten metal pouring temperature, the mold preheating temperature and the filling speed. These parameters were recorded during the experimental testing of the process. An inspection procedure is shown, in which elements of visual analysis of the piece obtained and of simulation by MEF were used to determine the magnitude and location of internal defects inside the piece. The defects were classified in blowhole, porosity and cold junction, a correspondence was appreciated in terms of their location, between the simulated and the experienced models; while the defects area relative error in these models is less than 10%.

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How to Cite
Santana-Reyes, S. A., Calzada-Pompa, I., Morales-Tamayo, Y., Zamora-Hernández, Y. K., & Matos García, E. (2022). Numerical Analysis and Experimental Validation of Pouring Casting Metal in Sand Mold. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 31(3). Retrieved from
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