Evaluation of Recycled Sludge for Production of a Ceramic Company that Affects an Agroecosystem

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Ambar Rosa Guzmán Morales
Pedro Antonio Valdés-Hernández
Orestes Cruz La Paz
Ramiro Valdés Carmenate


Taking into account the importance that the uncontrolled expulsion of industrial waste into the environment has for agriculture, this work is carried out with the aim of assessing the possibility of recycling solid waste (residual sludge) of Cerámica Blanca Company located in San José de las Lajas Municipality, Mayabeque, Cuba, through its reuse during the production process, to achieve clean production and reduce the waste load that is expelled into the environment. This company, despite being an economic source in the country, represents a source of environmental contamination due to the residuals that it expels to the neighboring agroecosystem dedicated to the cultivation of vegetables, medicinal plants and free grazing, affecting local food security, since these residuals They have high content of heavy metals. The physical-mechanical properties of the mixtures used in the production were determined and an economic evaluation was carried out taking into account the daily production and the unit costs. It was verified that with the mixture of 15% of the residuals, the preparation of paste in the production process of the company allows obtaining the best results and they are among the recommended standards, which represents an annual profit of more than $ 111 MPMN.

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How to Cite
Guzmán Morales, A. R., Valdés-Hernández, P. A., Cruz La Paz, O., & Valdés Carmenate, R. (2022). Evaluation of Recycled Sludge for Production of a Ceramic Company that Affects an Agroecosystem. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 31(2). Retrieved from https://revistas.unah.edu.cu/index.php/rcta/article/view/1601
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