Computer System for the Formulation of Food Rations in the Buffalo Breed Using Mathematical Models

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Adanay Núñez González
Yaimi Barcenas Mompeller
Alejandro Mejías Caba
Yusney Marrero García


Feeding is one of the most important factors in increasing the potential of livestock at different stages of growth. To obtain better levels in live weight, it is necessary to make a good planning of the resources possessed. For this, it is required to have the necessary food to meet their nutritional needs, enabling a better evolutionary development. In this work, a tool with relevant information about buffalo cattle, for an adequate formulation of food rations is developed. To design the application, the steps proposed by the RUP methodology were followed and for the implementation, Double Square of Pearson and Simplex Dual mathematical models were taken into account in order to achieve the adequate balance of nutrients.

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How to Cite
Núñez González, A., Barcenas Mompeller, Y., Mejías Caba, A., & Marrero García, Y. (2020). Computer System for the Formulation of Food Rations in the Buffalo Breed Using Mathematical Models. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 29(4). Retrieved from
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