Mathematical Techniques to Infer Post-Harvest Changes in the Properties of Agricultural Products

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Lazara Rangel Montes de Oca
Leidy L Monzón-Monraba
Jorge Garcia-Coronado
Annia García-Pereira


Using statistical-mathematical methods, changes in the properties of agricultural products are inferred, in this case pineapple (Annanas Comosus) and Guava stored at room temperature, according to the CODEX and FAO standards. The use of statistical-mathematical modeling utilized for pineapple allowed establishing the maximum storage period of this fruit, defining dates of commercialization as fresh fruit and determining the speed with which changes in their properties occur. The mechanical response of guava (Red Dwarf variety EEA 1-23) to static charges using the Finite Element Method (MEF) was also simulated, obtaining a model capable of predicting the behavior of the fruit with an approximation of 90%. That made possible to perform virtual tests of guavas under load conditions in which physical tests are difficult to apply.

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How to Cite
Rangel Montes de Oca, L., Monzón-Monraba, L. L., Garcia-Coronado, J., & García-Pereira, A. (2018). Mathematical Techniques to Infer Post-Harvest Changes in the Properties of Agricultural Products. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 27(4). Retrieved from
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