Published: 2024-11-18

Agrarian culture in the SSAN Law in Cuba: a critical analysis

Alfredo González Marrero, Ariel Hernández Llerena , Elaine Artigas Pérez, Nayibis Díaz Machado

Evaluation of the Central Pivot Machine and irrigation quality in the CPA "Cuban-Bulgarian Friendship"

Jorge Luis Pacheco Álvarez, Heriberto Vargas Rodríguez, Fabienne Menéndez Torres

Potentialities of the kiwuano (Cucumis metuliferus E.mey), for sustainable food production in cuba.

Roberto Cuñarro Cabeza, Elaine Fito Duvergel, Idalmis Hernández Escobar, Irelio Urra Zayas, María Esther Cea, Geisy Hernández-Cuello, Farah M González Hernández, Julia Mirtha Salgado Pulido

The Artificial Intelligence in bovine reproduction

Neylis Chávez Millares, Royman González Rivas , Yusney Marrero García, Lilibeth Mercedes González Ruiz