Contribution of coffee production to the socioeconomic development of producing regions in Mexico
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Coffee cultivation in Mexico has historically been a significant source of income and employment in the producing regions, contributing to the regional development of these areas by financing the construction of infrastructure and public services, improving the quality of life of producers and their families. communities, as well as promoting economic diversification. Despite its importance, Mexico's coffee industry faces significant challenges that threaten its long-term sustainability. The objective of this work was to analyze whether there has indeed been a contribution of coffee production in the regional development of the different producing regions of the country. Statistical information was obtained from the historical databases of the International Coffee Organization (ICO) and the International Trade Center (ITC). The evidence shows that there has been a contribution of coffee production in the socioeconomic development of the producing regions of Mexico and that this, in addition to having been very relevant not only in contributing to the national GDP or in the generation of foreign currency, also It has generated jobs in some of the most socioeconomically marginalized areas of the country. Despite the challenges that producers face, they have managed to adapt to the different changes that have occurred in production due to international price drops, coffee tree diseases and climate change.
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