The new urban agenda in the Municipal Development Strategy of San Nicolás, Mayabeque

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Aimara Brito Montero
Aimara Brito Montero
Tatiana Cruz Toledo
Artemino Martínez Rosa
Maira Guadarrama García


The research exposes the importance given to the New Urban Agenda (NAU) in the Municipal Development Strategy of San Nicolás, Mayabeque province, based on the determination of a strategic line linked to the habitat. This responds to the reality of the municipality, which was confirmed by carrying out a diagnosis aimed at updating the Municipal Development Strategy. The Development Section, through joint work with the Municipal University Center, the Physical Planning Directorate and the Science, Technology and Environment Section in the locality, has planned various actions to assume the line in a dynamic manner. In this way, we contribute to the pillars, axes and principles of the Cuban NAU to achieve sustainable communities, through citizen participation.

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How to Cite
Brito Montero, A., Brito Montero, A., Cruz Toledo, T., Martínez Rosa, A., & Guadarrama García, M. (2023). The new urban agenda in the Municipal Development Strategy of San Nicolás, Mayabeque. Revista De Gestión Del Conocimiento Y El Desarrollo Local, 10(1), Retrieved from
Artículo Original


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