Estimation the water needs of some vegetables using the methodology of dual cultural coefficients

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Yoima Chaterlán


In recent years there has been a notable increase in the activity of irrigation in agricultural areas for the cultivation of different vegetables so it is interesting the constant updating of knowledge and the technical and agronomic necessary for proper irrigation scheduling from the estimation of water requirements of these crops. For this we used the model SimDualKc which effected the calculation of crop evapotranspiration (ETc) and irrigation scheduling based on the methodology of dual cultural coefficients (Kc = Kcb + Ke). We used field observations obtained in research conducted at the Experimental Station of Irrigation and Drainage, located in Alquízar, Cuba, developed between the period of the decades of the 80 and 90. The cultures used were garlic, onion, bell pepper and carrot. The calibration consisted of adjusting the parameters are not observed to be, taken from the set values (Kcb, p, TEW, REW, TAW, RAW and fc) so as to minimize differences between observed and simulated soil moisture content. Was evaluated goodness of fit of the model’s predictions, performing a series of statistical analysis used to verify that the coefficient of regression (b) is close to 1 in all cases, the R2 varies between 0.80 and 0.97. It permitted to arrive at the conclusion that the model can be used to generate alternative irrigation schedules in these soil and climatic conditions.

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Cómo citar
Chaterlán, Y. (2017). Estimation the water needs of some vegetables using the methodology of dual cultural coefficients. Ingeniería Agrícola, 5(1), 21–26. Recuperado a partir de
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