Measures to reduce the impacts of the agricultural mechanization on the environment

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Arcadio Ríos-Hernández


The conventional intensive agriculture, resultant of the technological and social development is the biggest degrader of waters and agricultural environments. The agricultural mechanization and the irrigation in general are the main causing factors of the degradation, for what should always be used with conservationist and recuperative technologies. Diverse projects and programs of international collaboration related with the protection of the environment have been carried out, among whose objectives are the research of the effects of the agricultural mechanization on the environment, reason why was taking as objective to center the efforts in carrying out a study to determine the possible measures to counteract the negative aspects of this influence, like basis for the elaboration of new research projects of international collaboration. For the study were used the methodologies for the realization of the Participative Diagnostics, which included the realization of surveys, discussion seminars and statistical analysis, with the use of computing tools and programs. Among the main conclusions of the study is the description of the possible measures guided to reduce the impacts of the agricultural mechanization on the environment.

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Ríos-Hernández, A. (2024). Measures to reduce the impacts of the agricultural mechanization on the environment. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 33(3), Obtido de
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