Effect of a Pectic Oligosaccharide on the Root Development of Maize

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Ana Elida Sáez-Cigarruista
Donaldo Morales-Guevara
Román Gordón-Mendoza
Jorge Enrique Jaén-Villarreal
Francisco Pablo Ramos-ManzanéI
Jorge Franco-Barrera


The objective of this research was to determine the effect of a pectic oligosaccharide on the root development of maize plants in El Ejido, Los Santos, Republic of Panama, during two research cycles in the year 2022. Two treatments were evaluated: the control and the treatment imbibed with biostimulant. A completely randomized design was used, where the data obtained were analyzed using the t-Student test for independent samples. This experiment was established in polyethylene bags of different sizes. A drip irrigation system with a venturi was used to apply fertigation to the crop. The variables evaluated were: wet and dry root weight, root number count, root length and root diameter. Variables of the aerial part of the plant such as plant height, leaf area, stem diameter and biomass were also determined. The results showed that the application of pectic oligosaccharides significantly increased the length, weight and number of roots. This increase was also reflected in greater leaf area, height and dry mass of the crop. The imbibition of maize seed with pectic oligosaccharides is beneficial for both root and aerial growth and development of the maize crop.

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Sáez-Cigarruista, A. E., Morales-Guevara, D., Gordón-Mendoza, R., Jaén-Villarreal, J. E., Ramos-ManzanéI, F. P., & Franco-Barrera, J. (2024). Effect of a Pectic Oligosaccharide on the Root Development of Maize. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 33(2), https://cu-id.com/2177/v33n2e07. Obtido de https://revistas.unah.edu.cu/index.php/rcta/article/view/1872
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