Germination Index of Bean (Phaseulus vulgaris L.) Variety Bat 304 for Seed

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Arlenes Sena-Pérez
Annia García-Perreira


The germination tests to evaluate the quality of the seed, were carried out in laboratory of Quality of the Agrarian University of Havana, under controlled conditions, of humidity and light. Values were obtained they evidence the growth of the black bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L var. BAT 304) per day, where it is shown that in the second day, of the 100 seeds that underwent the germination experiment, 8 of them were the most vigorous that measured between the values of 20 and 24,9 mm. In the third day the most vigorous they were 8 seedlings of values between 25 and 29,9 mm. In the fourth day they were 6 seedlings the most vigorous with values smaller than 30 mm. For what the fourth day was of 94%, you can demonstrate you that the seeds selected for the germination test in the laboratory are of high quality, being considered that this lot is of high quality, since it reaches superior levels to 90 germination%. The germination test in the field was carried out in a property in the immediacy of the popular advice of you Covered, the sampling was carried out to the fourth day, where 100 seeds that underwent the germination experiment, alone 3 of them the most vigorous that measured between the values of 20 and 24,9 mm. In the ninth day the most vigorous were they were 10 seedlings of values between 25 and 29,9 mm. In the tenth fourth day they were 9 seedlings the most vigorous with values smaller than 30 mm.

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Como Citar
Sena-Pérez, A., & García-Perreira, A. (2024). Germination Index of Bean (Phaseulus vulgaris L.) Variety Bat 304 for Seed. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 33(1), Obtido de
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