Determination of the Potential of Solar Energy as a Renewable Source for a Swine Center

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Yanoy Morejón-Mesa
Darielis Vizcay-Villafranca
Ramón Pelegrín-Rodríguez


The present investigation is oriented to determine the potential of solar energy as a renewable source for a swine center established in the "El Guayabal" University Farm, belonging to the Agrarian University of Havana, Cuba. For this, the number of animals is considered, as well as the movement of the herd, which would make it possible to determine the energy demand, based on the diagnosis of the energy carriers existing in the scenario. Among the main results obtained, it was evidenced that for the existing conditions, it is pertinent to introduce photovoltaic solar energy technology as a renewable source for driving the electric motor of the mill, the water pump and lighting, which implies an initial investment of 645 500 peso (25 820 USD). On the other hand, the introduction of a solar heater is viable, for the sanitation actions of the workers of the pig center, with the budget required for the acquisition of this technology being 9 650 peso (386 USD). The introduction of both technologies contributes directly to caring for the environment by stopping the emission of CO2 and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and its corresponding negative impact on the environment. Finally, it is evident that, with only the commercialization of the pigs to the carcass of the first group, the total amount required for the acquisition of the photovoltaic system and the solar heater is recovered and it is possible to obtain a benefit that amounts to 478 850 pesos (19 154 USD), this element demonstrates the economic feasibility of this investment.

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Morejón-Mesa, Y., Vizcay-Villafranca , D., & Pelegrín-Rodríguez, R. (2023). Determination of the Potential of Solar Energy as a Renewable Source for a Swine Center. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 32(4), Obtido de
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