Behavior of Common Bean Plants (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Subjected to Two Irrigation Systems

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Lilisbet Guerrero-Domínguez
Betty Leydis González-Pérez
Eduardo Iván Jerez-Mompie
Donaldo Morales-Guevara
José Dell´Amico-Rodríguez
Arasay Santa Cruz-Suárez


In order of studying the behavior of common bean plants (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) subjected to two irrigation regimes, this trial was carried out during the months from January to April 2021 at the National Institute of Agricultural Sciences (INCA). For this, seeds of the Triunfo 70 black bean variety were used, planted in six concrete gutters 2.60 m long by 0.60 m wide (1.56 m2), which contained Ferralitic Red Leached soil. Two irrigation treatments were established that consisted of applying 100% (R100) of the ETc (Standard Evapotranspiration of the crop) and another that irrigated 50% (R50) of the ETc. Soil moisture was monitored and evaluations of some growth variables were carried out, as well as the content of total chlorophylls (SPAD). At the end of the experiment, the yield, its components and variables of the size of the grains were evaluated. The results indicated that the reproductive phase was the most sensitive to water deficiency and the reduction percentages were higher in the leaf surface, compared to other growth variables, which influenced the dry mass production. The number of pods and number of grains per plant had a direct effect on yield behavior, compared to the mass of 100 grains and the number of grains per pod. Yield was reduced under stress conditions, but grain size variables remained similar under both conditions.

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Como Citar
Guerrero-Domínguez, L., González-Pérez, B. L., Jerez-Mompie, E. I., Morales-Guevara, D., Dell´Amico-Rodríguez, J., & Cruz-Suárez, A. S. (2023). Behavior of Common Bean Plants (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Subjected to Two Irrigation Systems. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 32(4), Obtido de
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