GIS Tools, Review of their Foundations, Types and Relationship with Spatial Databases

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Gabriel Alberto Pérez-Guerra
Ivett Sosa-Franco
Neili Machado-García
María Elena Ruiz-Pérez


Geographic information systems offer an environment capable of integrating, storing, editing, analyzing, sharing and displaying geographically referenced information. They are tools that allow users to create interactive queries, analyze spatial information, edit data, maps, present the results of all these operations. This article describes the basic concepts of these systems. Likewise, the forms of data representation are shown, as well as the use of the main current spatial database software. Several works that establish comparisons between the main geographic information systems of the market are analyzed. Finally, the use of geographic information systems in agriculture is addressed.

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Pérez-Guerra, G. A., Sosa-Franco, I., Machado-García, N., & Ruiz-Pérez, M. E. (2023). GIS Tools, Review of their Foundations, Types and Relationship with Spatial Databases. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 32(3), Obtido de


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