Impacts of Wind Pumping on Sprinkler Irrigation for Garlic Cultivation

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Néstor Méndez Jurjo
Oscar Brown Manrique
Manuel Peña Casadevalls
Yaily Beltran Perez


In order to determine the economic-productive, energy and environmental impacts of wind pumping in sprinkler irrigation for garlic cultivation, the investigation was carried out at "La Cuchilla" farm during 2016-2017, 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 cycles. The mass of the bulbs was 27.47 g, 27.81 g and 27.70 g, respectively, to average 27.66 g and the diameter of the bulbs reached values ​​of 3.92 g, 4.01 g and 3.85 g, respectively. The production volume was 231,400.00 pesos per hectare, the annual costs amounted to 18,929.77 pesos per hectare and the net benefit was 212470.23 pesos per hectare. The favorable production cost per peso of 0.08 cents with a value of 11.22 obtained in the Benefit-Cost ratio was much higher than the unit was. A multi-blade mill was utilized for pumping water instead of a LEPONO brand motorized pump, used by farmers in the region. It has a flow rate of 60 L min-1, maximum head 70 m, turning speed 3400 rpm and current intensity consumed by the 11 A motor and allowed an energy saving of 27.66 kWh corresponding to 146.77 kg of CO2 equivalent per hectare no longer emitted into the atmosphere.

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Como Citar
Méndez Jurjo, N., Brown Manrique, O., Peña Casadevalls, M., & Beltran Perez, Y. (2023). Impacts of Wind Pumping on Sprinkler Irrigation for Garlic Cultivation . Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 32(1). Obtido de
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