Model and Software for the Regulation of an Inclined Belt Sorter for Agricultural Products

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Raúl Torres-Cepero
Arturo Martínez-Rodríguez
Ana Rosario


As a result of the development of a sorting table for agricultural products for the selection of tomatoes, potatoes or other products with approximately spherical shape, a mechanical-mathematical model and software were developed that make it possible to determine and adjust the design parameters of that sorting table. The model interrelates a set of parameters such as the coordinates of the drop point of the fruits or tubers on the conveyor belt and the angle of transverse inclination of the conveyor belt. In addition, it interrelates the rolling friction angle of the product with respect to the conveyor surface, the components of the falling speed and the linear speed of the conveyor belt, among others. The modeling was carried out applying the laws of Newtonian mechanics. The development of the software was carried out on the basis of the Mathcad 2000 Professional software.

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Torres-Cepero, R., Martínez-Rodríguez, A., & Rosario, A. (2021). Model and Software for the Regulation of an Inclined Belt Sorter for Agricultural Products. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 30(1). Obtido de


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