Remote Sensing Application to Water Resources Management

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Alberto Méndez-Jocik
Anett De Jesú Núñez-Pérez
Felicita González-Robaina


Irrigated agriculture is limited to provide intensive monitoring of water balance in large areas and it allows planning and forecasting the timing of irrigation application at the local level. This process requires having financial, material and human resources not always available. In this environment, evapotranspiration is the fundamental variable in determining water demand and constitutes the critical component of the water and energy balance in climate-soil-vegetation interactions. With the launch of the satellite sensors of the Sentinels Mission as part of the Copernicus Project of the European Space Agency, a new possibility of estimating crop evapotranspiration by combining multispectral images, meteorological information and online databases (Prediction of Worldwide Energy Resource, POWER) in the FAO Penman-Monteith model. The paper presents the first operational results applied to agricultural technologies at local level of evapotranspiration estimation of crops and the water balance for a temporary resolution of one day and a spatial resolution of 10 m. The methodology developed offers promising results by finding consistent and significant relationships in the validation of this with standard procedures.

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Méndez-Jocik, A., Núñez-Pérez, A. D. J., & González-Robaina, F. (2021). Remote Sensing Application to Water Resources Management. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 30(1). Obtido de
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