Validation of an Experimental Simulation Model Based on Computational Fluid Dynamics

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Alexander Laffita-Leyva
Arturo Martínez-Rodríguez
Enmanuel Ávila-González
Lázara Rangel-Montes de Oca


As part of a research project aimed at determining the effect of extreme winds on agricultural economic objectives, through the application of simulation methods based on Computational Fluid Dynamics and finite elements analysis, some experimental runs were carried out to validate that simulation method and the criteria used during the formation of the models and the characteristics of the finite element meshing to be applied. For the experimental measurements, a wind tunnel built in the Agricultural Mechanization Center of the Agrarian University of Havana was used, which was modeled in 3D with the SolidWork 2018 computational tool and the simulation was carried out through the “Flow Simulation” module. For the experimental application of the simulation models used, the results of experimental measurements of the pressures within the wind tunnel were compared with the pressures determined by simulation. A variable pressure field in the space was achieved by interposing an obstacle to air circulation, aimed at achieving different pressure levels in different sections of the tunnel. As a result of the comparison, a simulation prediction error was obtained that ranged between 0.53 and 2.07%, which was extremely satisfactory.

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Laffita-Leyva, A., Martínez-Rodríguez, A., Ávila-González, E., & Rangel-Montes de Oca, L. (2020). Validation of an Experimental Simulation Model Based on Computational Fluid Dynamics. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 29(4). Obtido de
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