Design of an Industrial Rotary Cylinder Grain Dryer

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Yanoy Morejón Mesa
Daniel Silva Junco
Yarian Reyes Suárez


The present investigation was oriented to establish the foundations for the design of an industrial grain dryer. For the fulfillment of the proposed objective, the theoretical-methodological bases referring to the subject were established and the pertinent computer tools were used for this purpose. Among the main results obtained, it was evident that the theoretical-methodological foundations proposed made it possible to establish the design parameters for an industrial grain dryer. On the other hand, with the use of SolidWorks, MATHCAD 2000 Professional and Termotransf computer tools, the thermal and kinetic modeling of the conceived design were carried out, as well as the determination of the main design parameters and the selection of component parts. It was also obtained that the total heat to be generated inside the proposed drying installation amounts to 28.75 kW with an efficiency of 89.2%, which demonstrates its functionality. From the economic point of view, the proposed design reaches an amount of 10 450.25 total currencies (5 861.40 CUC and 4 588.86 CUP), which represents only 34.8% of the minimum price of similar facilities in the international market.

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Como Citar
Morejón Mesa, Y., Silva Junco, D., & Reyes Suárez, Y. (2020). Design of an Industrial Rotary Cylinder Grain Dryer. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 29(3). Obtido de
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