Effect of the Geometry and Operational Conditions in the Draft Forces of the Arm of a Vibratory Scarifier

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Luis Orlando Marín-Cabrera
Armando Eloy García de la Figal-Costales
Arturo Martínez-Rodríguez


Both draft force and soil breaking up of clods of soil are in function of the kind of tool, geometry and operational conditions. In order to analyze the effect of the conditions of operation (density of mesh) and the geometry (attack angle of wedge) in the tractional force of a vibratory scarifier of curved arm tilling a Rhodic Ferralsol soil , the soil was considered as homogeneous material. The model extended linear Drucker Prager's elastoplastic of constitutive relation was used for this modelation by finite elements and soil-tillage tool interaction was modeled with surface to surface contact and the software Solid Works and its complement simulation were used. When increasing the angle of attack of the wedge, the grade increases in displacement of the particles of soil, both, in the direction of advance of the tool and in vertical sense, and the values of the tensions of contact in the nodes grow, mainly located in the tip of the tillage tool of cultivation and the plane of the undersurface of the deformed soil prism.

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Marín-Cabrera, L. O., García de la Figal-Costales, A. E., & Martínez-Rodríguez, A. (2020). Effect of the Geometry and Operational Conditions in the Draft Forces of the Arm of a Vibratory Scarifier. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 29(2). Obtido de https://revistas.unah.edu.cu/index.php/rcta/article/view/1251
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