Determining of Hydric and Energetic Efficiency of Localized Irrigation under Greenhouse Conditions

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Norge Tornés Olivera
Yarisbel Gómez Masjuan
Eduart Myor Robles
Oscar Brown Manrique


The investigation was developed in the UEB of Protected and Semi-Protected Crops, belonging to the Agricultural Enterprise “Paquito Rosales Benítez”, located in Veguitas Town, Yara Municipality, Granma Province, with the objective of determining the hydric and energetic efficiency of localized irrigation under greenhouse conditions. For the calculation of the different indicators, two greenhouses were selected, one of them was planted with cucumber and another one was planted with pepper. Localized irrigation evaluation was carried according to American Society of Agricultural Engineers from United States, through their standard ASAE EP-438 methodology. The parameters of quality of irrigation and of hydraulic characterization of the system, confirmed the good functioning of it. Energy cost was 210.00 CUP ha -1 for cucumber crop and of 378.00 CUP ha -1 for pepper crop. The cost of the energy to produce one ton was 4.69 CUP t -1 for the cucumber crop and of 10. 46 CUP t -1 for the pepper crop. Higher water productivity was guaranteed in cucumber crop (40, 7 kg m -3 ) than the pepper crop (17, 91 kg m - 3). Water productivity in monetary terms was of 129.83 CUP m -3 and 81.14 CUP m -3 for the cucumber crop and pepper crop, respectively.

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Tornés Olivera, N., Gómez Masjuan, Y., Myor Robles, E., & Brown Manrique, O. (2020). Determining of Hydric and Energetic Efficiency of Localized Irrigation under Greenhouse Conditions. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 29(1). Obtido de
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