Proposal of Color Index Ranges According to Ripeness Stages in Fruits

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Minelkis Machado Molina
Annia García Pereira
Neili Machado García


Maturity is the most important and complex stage in the development of the fruit, where they acquire sensory characteristics that define it as edible. The objective of this research is to determine the color indices associated with the different stages of maturation of the pumpkin fruit (Carica papaya L, variety MaradolRoja), guava (Psidiumguajava L, variety EnanaRoja EEA1-23) and tomato (Solanumlycopersicum, variety Vyta). To carry out the study, 32 pumpkins and 40 guava fruits were used. Fruits pumpkin and guava, were harvested in the Agricultural Company Ho Chi Minh, in the municipality of Jaruco, and tomato in the farm "The Papas" belonging to the National Institute of Agricultural Sciences (INCA), located in the municipality from San José de lasLajas, Mayabeque. The chemical, physical-mechanical and organoleptic properties were monitored in the different stages of maturation. In addition, the fruits were photographed and the images were analyzed to obtain the color indexes in the different stages of maturation. Finally, for the pump fruit and the tomato, four ripening stages and five for the guava are defined, in addition to the ranges of the color index associated with each one of them.

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Machado Molina, M., García Pereira, A., & Machado García, N. (2019). Proposal of Color Index Ranges According to Ripeness Stages in Fruits. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 28(4). Obtido de
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