Theoretical Bases for Exergetic Analysis of a Flat Plate Solar Collector with Forced Draft

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Lenin Pita Cantos
Miguel Herrera Suárez
Juan José González Bayón


In the present paper, theoretical basis for the exergy analysis of solar flat plate collectors with forced draft used in drying and dehydration of agricultural products are exposed. This analysis starts from the discussion of the theoretical elements that are included in the realization of the energy balance of solar flat plate collectors and forced draft. Later the elements to consider for implementing the exergy balance of these types of collectors were analyzed. The results allowed defining the methodological procedure for the realization of exergy analysis of solar collectors. In addition, the variables or factors that determine the energy efficiency were defined, as well as the causes and factors that cause energy losses. Finally, the method proposed by Pons (2012) was defined as the most suitable for determining the exergy of solar radiation reaching the earth's surface.

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Pita Cantos, L., Herrera Suárez, M., & González Bayón, J. J. (2018). Theoretical Bases for Exergetic Analysis of a Flat Plate Solar Collector with Forced Draft. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 27(3). Obtido de
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