Water stress efects on grain quality in the cultivation of rice (Oryza sativa L.)

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Ricardo Polón-Pérez
Dámaso Castillo-Toro
Alexander Miranda-Caballero
Michel Ruiz-Sánchez


The experiment led up to in the UCTB of Los Palacios from 2014 the 2017, itself be more than enough or ground Hidromórfico Gley Nodular Ferruginoso Petroférrico, in order to know the effect of water stress on grain cuality with a middle cycle rice variety. Aftermath yielded than in the new variants to drive water it was obtained a bigger percent of white entire grains that it oscillated between 55,9 and 65,3, while than in the traditional (check) handling the bottom obtained percent of white entire grains among 48,3 and 50,5 with a bigger quantity of chalky grains (with white belly) and fissures in the grains itself, while than in the new variants of handlings of the water the behavior of the grains with white belly and taken part of the grains a lot of minor in relation to the handling went from the traditional water being these last unfavorable elements, join of causes for her that some varieties do not find continued in the production national rice grower

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How to Cite
Polón-Pérez, R., Castillo-Toro, D., Miranda-Caballero, A., & Ruiz-Sánchez, M. (2018). Water stress efects on grain quality in the cultivation of rice (Oryza sativa L.). Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 27(3). Retrieved from https://revistas.unah.edu.cu/index.php/rcta/article/view/984
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