New Doctoral Program in Agricultural Technical Sciences

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Pedro A. Valdés-Hernández
Yanoy Morejón-Mesa
Annia García-Pereira
María Elena-Ruiz
Carmen Duarte-Díaz


The objective of the new program is to train Doctors (PhD) in Agricultural Technical Sciences of high level of scientific development and at the same time increase their visibility, with an integrating approach considering all the branches of knowledge of the specialty of Agricultural Engineering in Cuba and internationally. The program has been developed with three training components, focused mainly on Research, as well as the Methodological Theory and the preparation for the Predefense and Defense of the thesis. The component of research training in the program presents a total of 80 credits, for 66.66% with respect to the total of the credits of the program of 120, the theoretical methodological component a total of 24 credits for a 20%, and the one of Preparation of the thesis for predefense and defense a total of 16 credits for a 13.33%. It presents seven lines of research related to the specialty of Agricultural Engineering.

The general and specific basic courses offered in the program are chosen according to the research line chosen by the doctoral student, and must attend at least six, in correspondence with the minimums of the specialty established by the National Commission of Scientific Degrees of Cuba (NCSD) and approved by the Academic Committee of the Program. This program was approved in November 2017 by the NCSD of Cuba.

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How to Cite
Valdés-Hernández, P. A., Morejón-Mesa, Y., García-Pereira, A., Elena-Ruiz, M., & Duarte-Díaz, C. (2018). New Doctoral Program in Agricultural Technical Sciences. Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias, 27(2). Retrieved from
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